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“One” first emerged from the 2013 Melbourne CCR Conference

Dear brothers and sisters in CCR,

I want to start by saying “thanks very much” for your support with the “One Pentecost” event. It was truly a remarkable night, with youth gathered together from all over Melbourne. I have since received lots of encouraging feedback from people (in person and via the online survey), about how powerfully God-inspiring the night was for them, and how they want more. Some of the feedback from the survey…

  • AMAZING! More of these One events please ; )
  • I had an amazing experience in prayer teams but I loved all the elements of the night.
  • The music was amazing!! Such talent, beautifully lead and authentic.
  • The people were so friendly and welcoming
  • Glad we bought the students
  • Lots of young people who are really passionate about their faith and evangelization.
  • Refreshing and alive
  • One is not enough

At Pentecost, the “One” dream came alive: youth leaders from all over Melbourne united to bring the Good News alive! God really seems to be using this “One” ministry (which had been developed and supported by CCR Melbourne) as a catalyst for re-engaging youth in our Church.
Our hope is that we can continue to expand this vision to provide more regular events in Melbourne and really unite and inspire the next generation of Catholic youth.

We are at the beginning of a very exciting j2ourney. We trust that God has big plans!

The future of One

Our hope is that we can continue to be generous stewards of this grace. In many ways, the “One” journey seems like it is just beginning… who knows where it may end up? “One” first emerged from the 2013 Melbourne CCR Conference. CCR leaders wanted to capitalise on having Mark Nimo in town, and pulled together a small group of youth leaders from around Melbourne to help organise a youth rally featuring Mark. “One” was subsequently born, with the vision of uniting youth from around Melbourne for a big night of prayer, praise and preaching. The Spirit moved, the night was powerful, and the “One” dream germinated.

Since taking on the post of Youth Co-ordinator for CCR Melbourne, it has become evident to me that Melbourne Youth are hungry for these kinds of events: large scale, quality contemporary praise and worship, inspiring preaching, prayer ministry, and opportunities to engage with one another. So our plan is to continue with these “One” events. This seems to be the most effective way that CCR can serve and empower youth into the future; by drawing upon our faith, experience, passion for evangelisation, and resources, to offer quality and dynamic events which draw together youth from around Melbourne and lead them ever deeper in the life of the Spirit. My hope is that from these “One” events new youth leaders, and other related ministry activity will emerge.

Your support is needed!

There are many ways in which CCR can help this exciting new ministry to youth, but at this present moment we particularly need help financing these events. Due to the high cost of putting on quality productions like these (especially with the cost for sound and lighting), we need to somehow find a way of funding them. Into the future our vision is cover our costs with entry fees, but it may take a few more events before we can be in this position. It is the hope and prayer of the co-ordinators that each CCR prayer group will invest into this ministry by pooling together some funds to contribute towards this worthwhile ministry. If each group is able to offer something, it will quickly add up! Lives are truly being touched through “One” - what a meaningful way to use our resources!!

If you would like to dialogue more about this, feel most free to email me on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. More details about “One” events can be found here

With every blessing,

Daniel Serratore MGL,
Youth Co-ordinator